Photos in Deutschland

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an_court.jpg The Bayern Court of Law
The building front of Karslplatz-station. This was the court of law.
an_ekimae.jpg ekimae
Plats means place or park.
an_fountain.jpg The fountain of park
Nice sound from the bueatiful water.
an_frauenkirche.jpg Frauenkirche
St.Frauen Church. One of the typical building of Munich.
an_park.jpg The park
The square behind of the town hall. The wind brings sound from the Saxophone was beautifull.
an_rathaus_clock.jpg Neues Rathaus clock
Is it new !? The time of 5 o'clock shows green window have a dance.
an_rathaus_left.jpg Neues Rathaus left
They works in this building. Oh...historical impression for me.
an_staatsoper.jpg The Bayern Staatsoper
The Bayern national opera house. Tonight will show Messiah ( handel ).
dm_park.jpg The front park
The park of front of the Deutsches Museum. The children play with superball.
dm_ticket.jpg Deutsches Museum / ticket
The ticket was so simple!
dm_bin.jpg Deutsches Museum /
Machanical Binay counter

This is my favorite from Deutsches Museum. Ths binary conter by iron ball. The ball droped from the top.
dm_perpetual.jpg Deutsches Museum / The Perpetual Engine
The eternal engine. I think this type of engine was had imagination by every boys.
an_sky.jpg sky
The "A" charactor of alphabet by sky airplane.
bariton.jpg My discovery.
Ohooootoo. Wargnar Tuba!?
bariton_plate.jpg The Bariton Plate
gs_spaten.jpg Spaten
The coaster of restaurant.
hb_biere.jpg Hofbreauhaus biere
This is the standard size jog( = 1 liter). I got 4 liter only in this night.
biereundkro.jpg biere und kro
The glass designed by the name of maker.
hb_coaster.jpg HB coaster
I got the coaster agian.
hb_cond.jpg Request and Try
The musik of "ru-ki tsu-ki". And kro directed the musik.
mo_isar.jpg Isar river
In the eary morning. The river of Isar.
mo_pension.jpg The hotelpension
This is normal building of hotel. But so beautifull.
mo_steinsdorfstr.jpg Steinsdorf street
I walk along the Isar river. It was a little cold.
mo_stlukas.jpg St.lukas church
The St.Lucas chuch. The building gave me impression by his stately atomsphere.
munichparklane.jpg munich park lane
   in the morning

The park in the morning.
munichparksquare.jpg square in the morning
I like the park. I like this air of park.
munichtown01.jpg Factory in the morning
I don't know this house what is.
munichtown02.jpg The warehouse
The horse-drawn carrige will come in !?
munichtown03.jpg Eingang
The entrance.
nightwalkalongriver.jpg nightwalk along river
The walking in the night.
nightwalkbridge.jpg nightwalk bridge
The brdge was fearful ?
nightwalkfountain.jpg nightwalk fountain
And this is fountain...
nightwalkpropeller.jpg nightwalk propeller
The huge propeller was discoveried.
numadugai.jpg The Numadu-town
The our office.
ny_eingang.jpg ny_eingang
ny_front.jpg ny_front
Sometimes the swan have greeting us.
ny_building.jpg ny_building
The nyunhenberg castle. This castle has the site of1.5km.
ny_kro.jpg ny_kro
Can I see the 1.5km over?
ny_garden.jpg ny_garden
I can't.
ny_garden_right.jpg ny_garden_right
The box of wood hide the figure.
ny_green.jpg ny_green
The beautifull park.
ny_right.jpg ny_right
This is right view.
ny_tower.jpg ny_tower
We found the sky was so wide. And the tower is the Olympia stasium.
ny_kro_cake.jpg The cake in ny with kro
The beer and the cheese cake.
ny_kkubo_cake.jpg The cake in ny with kkubo
kkubo's cake.
pe_kaidan.jpg The steps
This step bring me to top of the town. To 14th floors.
pe_frauen.jpg Frauenkirch
The St.frauen church. To tell the trute this building have only 1 floor!
pe_munich.jpg Famous munich
I got this angle picture.
pe_rathaus.jpg pe_rathaus
Why the building of 19th century was so gorgeouse ?
pe_town.jpg The downtown of Munich
The building tied by the next building.
kagikowashita.jpg kagikowashita
The key was broken. I am sorry.
The broken key, new key and my valuable watch.
weissbier.jpg Weissbier
Wessbier from country of Beyern. So good.