It is possible just only in the comics to

express this bold, eccentric idea.

The story isn't also realistic.

But what the author would appeal to

the readers is realistic and clear.

The series of this comics began at 1988,

when Russian existed and the cold war

between East and West remained. The problem

of the world peace;How can we abolish or

reduce the nuclear weapon ?; was one of

the most important and urgentest subjects.

The author's ambitious trial to approach this problem must be evaluated highly.

He asserts that we should overcome the difficulties which bring us opposition,

strifes and wars. For that purpose we should have to become world-citizens above

our original nations, tribes and races.

The silent service is a nuclear submarine with 20 crews, which is named "seabat"

at first,"YAMATO" later. The captain of the submarine is KAIEDA SIROU, who is

very excellent and expert commander. He declared that "YAMATO" should be an

independent nation. Doing battles against American submarines several times,

"YAMATO" comes into the port New York. At last KAIEDA appears in the conferense

room of The United Nations and appeals to the world for the foundation of The

Silent Service as a kind of supernational peace keeping force, which consists of

the nuclear submarines not belonging to any country. But then he is shot by a

terrorist and "YAMATO" is also attacked and sunk.

Supernationalism or globalism is truly an ideal concept, but its realization

will take about 200 years from now. Because minorities of the tribes or races

are fighting with the oppites all over the world while most of the major powers

are still selfish.